Website redesign launch of Concentrics Restaurants!

This week we're proud to announce the launch of the website redesign for Concentrics Restaurants!

Partnering with BoyBurnsBarn LLC, we've created a number of websites for Concentrics' restaurants this year including Prato, Luma on Park, and Central, and late last year we were given the green light to redesign the parent company's website. On this website we really wanted to show off.

Welcome to Concentrics Restaurants

Case studies designed like a 1-page magazine feature

Interactive listing of restaurants generated by a Google Doc spreadsheet

Dynamically generated portfolio slideshows, easily content managed

Booking form using Google Docs, submitting to a spreadsheet, and automatically notifying the staff

As we've mentioned in previous articles, building business websites on Blogger and in the "Google-verse" has quite a few benefits. This site is by far our most envelope-pushing Blogger site, and even if you don't care what is running the site, we believe it to also be one of our most beautiful, content-rich, and interactive sites. But if you go beyond that, it also has free hosting, a built-in blogging functionality, search engine optimization benefits, and much more. You can learn more about the benefits in our articles "A website solution for a tough economy" and "You can do some amazing things with Blogger".


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